miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011


(PART 1)

A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is arrogant and careless.
Proverbs 14:15—16

Daleth arrives very sad and desperate at her house. She enters her room, she turn on the camera that Ben gave her and besides crying, tells in front of the camera the story of the Caciv County…

In 2005, the State of Nova Corinthia lived an event that drew attention of all inhabitants; the final game of the soccer league between the Caciv County and Paja County, where the tickets for the final game run out four days before. Ben Smart, student of journalism, obtained pass of press to make a news article over the game concerning field. Whereas his Grandfather obtained tickets of theater box for the friends of Ben; who are: Kennen, Daleth, Tana, Jerry and Peter, who enjoy the game like authentic fanatics although Daleth and Kennen are from the County San Angel and Tana and Jerry from the Santa Monica county.

The Caciv county defeats 8-2 the Paja county. The game finishes and Ben enters to interview the players champions being with Roger Bronx, a player born in the Caciv county and that grew up in the same district that Ben. In the interview, Roger affirms that in spite of being a legend in the County, he lost no the notion of the reality and he never forgets from where comes nor the effort that realised to arrive at where he is. The friends of Ben use their passes VIP and lower the field to take photos and to request autographs. Ben finishes his news article and is invited by Roger Bronx to the celebration dinner for the championship of the team.

In the theater box of celebrities, the owners of the team congratulate to Sam korsakov, owner of the soccer team of the Caciv County, nevertheless, George Winny, owner of the team of Santa Monica and Jesse Morrison owner of the team of the Santa Anna County, recommends Korsakov to celebrate everything what he wants, because in a moment will know what is to lose and his championship that today won, nobody will remember.

In the celebration dinner, Ben and his Grandfather coexist with the players of the team champion along with many industralist of the State invited by Korsakov. The Grandfather are much more moved who Ben, since laying with the players talks long and, which met the Grandfather since they were small. Roger introduce Ben to Maggie Delgado, daughter of Charlie Delgado, owner of many companies in the State including the biggest telephone company of the State.

Maggie and Ben talk on different subjects to know themselves, because even though that both take many together classes in the University, Maggie belongs the group of rich girls whereas Ben the one of poor boys, nevertheless, Ben is the best student of his generation. Ben does not hide his journalistic style and questions to Maggie exceeds how is that a girl of her social class studies in a Public University and how obtained her father the resources to buy the biggest telephone company of the State. To which Maggie responds that the particular Universities bored her and that her father arrived at where he is by far effort and not stopping working. Julie, friend of Maggie interrupts and she takes her friend, Colin, goalkeeper of the team advises to Ben that takes care of Maggie, since besides being a girl who is outside his reach, she is not trusty. Ben argues that he will take the advice from Maggie to work and promises to Colin who before he finishes his career will have written a book, will have been invited to write the prologue of another one and will have set out of conventions an in center more famous work of investigation of the capital.

3 years later…

Ben sets out a work of investigation carried out throughout his career named “the Rebellion of means” where Ben argues that the information that the mass media provide distorts the reality and influences so way in the life of the people who their behavior is the adapted one for certain groups that are in the power and that they look for to put in front a reality very different from which is being lived. At the end of the conference, Ben is applauded and ovacioned by the audience of the capital. The questions of the assistants cause that Ben deepens on the fact that the Government uses the intellectuals to influence the information of mass media so that the people of the happy alive State although the place where they live every day is rotting more and more corruption and injustice.

Ben is observed like agent of change by some assistants and like an agitator by others. Nevertheless, the Government of the State gives a Ben a diploma by his valuable participation in the “Space for the public opinion”.
Ben communicates with his Grandparents by telephone where he informs them that his work received excellent critics and that was invited to attend the workshops “corporal Language of the interviewed person” and “journalistic Crimes” and therefore, Ben will return to house within three days. Ben finishes speaking with his grandparents, suddenly, a girl named Anne Holloway, who asks Ben that signs the book of the Dr. Ferrara where Ben wrote the prologue, apart from which Anne interchanges e—mail and telephone with Ben later to interchange information and because not to work together.

Ben returns the audience and he meets with Peter, who shows Ben the photographies that took him while he was exposing. Some girls approach Ben and they ask him that he takes photos with them, Ben accedes and he moves away of Peter, this one observes many beautiful girls and he takes them photos.

Peter and Ben return to Caciv being received in the station of trains by Daleth, Kennen and Jerry. All the friends are touched again when seeing Ben and Peter and informs them that the grandmother of Ben will make the great dinner to receive back her allowed grandson.

In the palace of Government, the governor of Nova Corinthia, meets with the mayors of all the counties, the owners of the most powerful companies of the State, with the owners of the team of the soccer league of each county and with the owners of the two television transmitters of the State. The governor explains them that according to investigations, the Caciv county has the petroleum that needs the State to be able to deal and to compete with the rest of the states. Nevertheless, Nova Corinthia was not founded to be a competitive State but a State that must be put under desires of States like Colossia or Corinthia.

It is why the governor has negotiated with national companies the sale of the petroleum of Caciv, being time question so that these companies begin to extract the crude of the County, and, so that the people of this County and all the State do not make any reclamation far from it a revolution, the Governor will use to mass media to make believe the people that everything is well in Nova Corinthia, using the greater passion of the inhabitants of the State, soccer, to have happies to all the inhabitants and when is the moment, to inform them that the petroleum that once was of the Caciv County, belongs to other States.

George Winny suggests the Governor who his team, Santa Monica, be proclaimed league champion, because it has many followers, however, the Caciv team of Korsakov, must be the last place of the table positions, since It does not get along to anybody. The great majority of the team owners accepts the proposal of Winny, Korsakov be inconform, but the Governor says that if does not accept, he will ruin him personally and he will leave him in the street, as the Governor previous wanted to make him.

In dinner, friends, relatives and neighbors congratulate to Ben and Peter by their excellent work set out in the capital.
Ben realizes that Tana has moved away of the celebration or leaves to speak with her in the terrace of the house. There, Tana confesses Ben that her mother every day is more ill and than she fears that she dies because she will completely remain single. Ben comforts Tana and him joint party that the health of his Grandfather has not been very good and can get worse because the Grandfather do not follow the instructions of the doctor.


Ben has breakfast along with his grandparents while he observes the news in the television. In the reporter they intervew to Hans, singer of pop rock of the Celtic State. Hans laments the situation of moral degradation, corruption and constants warlike movements in his State and ask the conducer of the program that he foments that in Nova Corinthia the same does not happen. Nevertheless, the conducer laugh himself and affirms that Nova Corinthia will finish just as Celtic. Ben catalogues of stupid and ignorant the conducer. Then, a commercial more on the petroleum of Caciv appears in the television, stressing that petroleum will not be sold to companies of other States, since it is of all the inhabitants of Nova Corinthia who in a moment will arrive at the greatness.

Ben tree his grandparents whom a news article will do on the game of the Caciv team hoping that already they gain a game, because after the injury of Bronx at the beginning of the championship, the team has not been able to win nor to write down more a goal by game. Peter arrives in his car and Ben takes leave of his grandfathers and he goes away to the school along with Peter. A black car follows Peter and Ben until the school.

The Governor meets with Korsakov and Trelawney, owners of the two more powerful television transmitters of the State. He asks them that they buy the concept of programs of other States like Colossia, whose Reality Shows, Talk Shows and series have helped them to entertain their public. Besides asking them that they transmit more commercial than they speak on the value that must give the people the petroleum of Caciv so that nobody suspects that petroleum no longer belongs more to Nova Corinthia. Korsakov becomes to inconform, since he has acceded that the Soccer team of his County is the worse one of all its tory and now must transmit programs that are copies of the ideas from the writers of the State of Colossia. The governor does a last warning to him; or he cooperates or he loses everything. Korsakov does not have more remedy than to accept.

In the journalism school of Caciv, Tanas shows to Daleth, Kennen and Jerry the photos of the protagonist of Smallville with the suit of Superman. When arriving Peter and Ben, Tana shares the photos to them and Ben realizes that is fotomontajes, because the protagonist of Smallville has not used the suit of Superman by fear that happens to him just like to Christopher Reeve and the producers of the series have put a survey in the page of Internet of the series where they request the opinion of fans about the subject “Clark in the uniform of Superman”. Ben demonstrates to Tana and his friends the forms in which by means of the photos they can make believe to people things that have not happened.

Maggie Delgado listening everything and approaches Ben to ask him that the next Friday competes in a debate with her friend Cayetana Brown on the influence of the cartoons in the children, because the winner will occur him prize of a $5.000 and one computer lap-top. Ben accedes and he promises his friends that will defeat to Cayetana.
The Grandfather work in the motorcycles workshop of the uncle Hall, suddenly, feels a creeps in the arm and that needs the air and he cannot breathe, the Grandfather feel a pain in the chest and fall unconscious to the ground. Hall runs to helping his father and immediately he calls an ambulance...