miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


Shiera is carried aboard his turbo-wheelchair through the woods by an unknown guy, who tries to reassure Shiera, she immediately recognized the voice of her uncle Jethro, which leads Shiera to the tent where is being conduct a healing session by Dr. Morris Grant.
In the session, the congregation of "The Divine men" Dr. Grant heals many ailments and strong illnesses. Jethro comes with Shiera and Jethro convinces one of the ushers to set Shiera in a row of patients who have to be healed.
Grant heal all the sick people, however, to start with Shiera, Grant can not do anything, since the rest of the patients are drainers of Grant, and this one is questioned by Jethro, as Grant can not heal Shiera, Grant tries to convince his congregation telling them Shiera has a very powerful demon, who did not want to leave her, therefore, Shiera must be sacrificed.
Jethro is frightened, ushers they hold to Shiera and Grant takes the Legan´s Fate Dagger and prepares to kill Shiera, who prays to GOD for help her again. Suddenly, the water begins to flood the tent causing people runs away; Sujéo, Legan and Menoí they come flying through the tent and they take Shiera and Jethro out of the place.
The tent falls down and Grant and his colleagues are about to be lynched by the people. However, Zeus, Odin, Athena, Aphrodite and Poseidon they come attacking the population and saving Grant and his men. Poseidon asks Grant to schedule an appointment with Oral Baker, invited Pastor in the Church in Red Deer.
Legan, Menoí and Sujéo they take Shiera and her uncle back to the Faithful house. Grant asks the fallen for help to kill Shiera as revenge for having unmasked in front of thousands of people, the fallen say Shiera die along with all who protect her.
2 CORINTHIANS 11: 13-15
At Faithful house, Timothy berates Jethro have kidnapped his daughter and have taken her to a place of perdition. Moesés and Sisaía they involve in the discussion and ask them both to go to the police, as Grant Morris will not rest until clear his name, which was tarnished by Shiera.
Sita, Laura, Menoí and Elijah they lie to Shiera down, who claims to dear much to Elijah. Legan questions Elijah about his feelings toward Shiera, but Elijah responds that he has noticed that Menoí looks very tenderly at Legan.
Legan recalls, using the memory of Eduardo, when Eduardo Zavala and Tiffany Lamonica met themselves in high school. Legan tells Elijah a sad story there between bodies that use him and Menoí. However, Legan says that the priorities now are guard the congregation of the Church in Red Deer.
Demijean Hull and Dan Carmaux they carry Pastor Oral Baker to his room in a 5 Star Hotel. Both apologize to Baker, then something delayed them, Baker says there is no problem, but next time, both will suffer bitterly if they fail the servant of GOD.
Upon entering the room, Baker observes Morris Grant lying on his bed, Grant introduces Baker with his friends the fallen, who claim to know the hidden sins of Baker, his frauds, his repressed homosexuality, his wife has a lover and much more. Only the Fallen will not say anything if Baker helps them get into the Church in Red Deer on its anniversary conferences and retrieve a valuable object for them.
Baker agrees, but says that Nab Mangles, Pastor of the Church in Red Deer did not accept the presence of the Fallen in the Church, but Zeus uses the memories of Richard Talbot to know that Mangles and Talbot, even Steve Morris also made a dangerous treatment in the past. Zeus says Mangles will help them again.
Joon Gon Kim visits the grave of Eduardo Zavala, Joon remember he was a teenager orphaned by the war between China and Africa and he immigrated to Canada in search of a new life. Joon remember arriving at Edmonton began working with gangsters and mobsters, until one day, Detective Eduardo Zavala captured all of Joon criminal group. Eduardo met Joon knowing his story and sending him to a Christian hostel recommended by Haley Lennox.
In the hostel, Joon surrendered to CHRIST and began working at the shelter. After a while, Joon decided to betray the people they worked in exchange for protection for him and the people at the shelter.
Haley also visits the tomb of Eduardo being with Joon. Both regret what happened and both return home being watched by an anonymous assassin. Joon invites Haley to go for a coffee with him and the manager of the hostel, who is Lodzia Carmaux, wife of Dan Carmaux.
But upon entering the shelter, Joon and Haley they see Lodzia is holding by Poseidon and take aim with a gun, Poseidon tells Joon who was hired to kill the snitch who ratted out the mob; Poseidon kills Joon shoots against Lodzia and Haley; Poseidon flies away while Danny, son of Lodzia, call the turbo ambulance.
While Poseidon flies away, he uses the memories of Tippo to know that Tippo killed Josh Paganel and Moeses Dechard and Tippo relationship with Pastor Mangles, Poseidon decides to travel to the Church in Red Deer, where there will be lots of action.
In the Agency, Tabor and Mandy they analyze the Legan´s fate dagger, found evidence in low carp where they met "The Divine". After much analysis, the dagger is identified as unknown object, but Mandy shows evidence connecting the dagger with Steve Morris, who will use this dagger as a weapon to mow down his victims, which is not yet the body of Rachel Saint.
Mandy uses satellite image finder and Steve Morris is located near a lake. Tabor suspects that Morris is reviving his attack, so Tabor and Mandy they are directed toward the lake, but, before leaving, Tabor is interrupted by the news of the murder of Joon.
Joon is taken aboard a turbo-ambulance to the hospital, but Joon dies when he was uploaded to the vehicle.
In heaven, GOD asks Oliseé to use Joon's body to protect the Agent Kearney Tabor as he approaches the way of GOD. Oliseé obeys and Oliseé awakens in the body of Joon, a fact that frightens paramedics. Oliseé tries to reassure paramedics, but suddenly, Poseidon falls on the vehicle causing a serious accident. Oliseé helps paramedics safely out of the overturned vehicle, but Poseidon faces Oliseé to prevent him from reaching the Church in Red Deer.
In the lake, Odin is wondering why he has a feeling that leads him to observe the lake, over and over, and over again. Odin recalls Steve Morris killed Rachel Saint and then he threw the body into the lake.
In heaven, GOD asks Teres use the Rachel Saint’s body and take care of Mandy Winthrop, preventing Athena and Aphrodite hurt her and discouraged her faith. Teres wakes up in the bottom of the lake, then she swims quickly to the surface.
Odin is surprised by Tabor and Mandy, which tries to stop Odin, but he uses his abilities to attack the detectives, Teres leaves the water and attacks Odin. Aphropdita and Athenea they arrive and attack Mandy trying to hurt her, but Sujéo and Menoí they appear and protect Mandy. The Guardians will overwrite the Fallen and they flee.
In the street, Oliseé is facing Poseidon, Zeus and Poseidon comes and defends Poseidon, but Legan comes with Oliseé, they face the fallen achieving defeat them. Zeus and Poseidon they flee, Legan takes Oliseé to the Faithful house, Menoí and Sujéo carry Teres to the Faithful house, however, Mandy and Tabor tell them about the dagger in the Agency. Menoí says Legan must to know about the whereabouts of his dagger. A mysterious guy continues to angels and detectives in the distance.
In the Faithful house, Sisaía has a vision Grant, Baker and the Fallen attacking Shiera in Church in Red Deer. Sisaía prevents all the guardians and asks Legan retrieve the fate dagger, because only then they can use their daggers also to send to the Fallen back the way they came.
Legan, Tabor and Mandy they are directed to the Agency while Elijah Demijean calls Hull to ask for his support and prevent a tragedy during conferences anniversary that night, Aphrodite intervenes the call and hears everything.
In the Agency, Tabor and Mandy are informed that a mysterious guy entered the Agency with a laser gun and attacked policemen and stole all the evidence of the hold. Legan suspects that someone sent fallen by the dagger, then Legan asks Mandy Tabor and help the congregation in the Church in Red Deer, because everyone is in danger.
At night, in the Church in Red Deer, Pastor Nab Mangles welcomes guests to the Pastors, including: Oral Baker and Morris Grant. Mangles say welcome the Faithful Family and Lenarvan Family too.
Tippo / Poseidon serves as deacon doing his best because his fallen brothers come to church without being seen. Oral Baker takes the pulpit and began to speak, Baker asks Shiera´s parents that come to her to pray for her, parents accept Shiera, despite the refusal of Elijah and the same Shiera.
While Elijah is carrying Shiera in front of the people, Elijah looks around looking at the one who try to kill Shiera, Grant stands up, but Menoí stops him, Baker approaches Shiera but Sisaía stands between them, Mangles is alienating Sisaía from Baker, but Legan arrives and stops Mangles, which is very surprised to see Legan, which merges with Eduardo Zavala.
Zeus, Athena and Aphrodite they come trying to attack Shiera and their parents, but Teres, Sujéo, Oliseé and Simoes they come and attack the fallen angles scaring people in the congregation.
But Elijah realizes Shiera is at the mercy of Mulrady Jesse, who approaches Shiera holding his jacket pocket, Elijah is thrown on Jesse and they fall down to the floor and throwing the fate dagger of Legan, then, Elijah holding the dagger and throws it to Legan, who confronts Zeus, Legan uses his strength to remove Zeus off and take the dagger before it falls to the floor, then Legan cuts the arm to Zeus, the rest of the Fallen are scared therefore the Guardian angels show their daggers of each one.
Athena is thrown on Elijah and hits him, Teres faces Athenea, but Aphrodite holds to Shiera and Laura and takes them to the forest, the remaining Guardians and Fallen they hold to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite rises over a mountain and puts Laura and Shiera threatening to throw them in free fall. Legan and Menoí they try reacting to Aphrodite, but she throws Shiera and Laura down; Legan and Sisaía they fly to rescue Shiera and Laura, but Zeus, Odin and Poseidon prevent it, although Menoí chatches Shiera and Teres catches Laura, while Sujéo, Simoes and Oliseé they face Athena and Aphrodite, who manages to escape and goes to destroy Menoí.
Mandy and Tabor reach the Church arresting Jesse, Baker and Grant.
Legan and Zeus they fall down in the forest, they fight, like Odin and Poseidon with Sisaía. Menoí and Teres they carry Shiera and Laura back to the Church, Aphrodita attacks Menoí and leads her back into the forest, there both fight until Menoí transferred to Aphrodite with her fate dagger, Aphrodita leaves the body of Athaliah and Aphrodite returns to hell, a fact that causes the rest of the fallen flee.
Guardians, Shiera and Laura they return with the Church where Pastor Mangles is incredulous, like Tabor. Laura questions Shiera about the fact that she heard screaming as both fell, but Shiera says she can not even vocalize alone. All the congregation of the Church in Red Deer was incredulous at what they saw their eyes. Guardians fly away.
Elijah and Laura they bury the Athaliah´s body. Arriving at the Faithful house, Shiera declares her love for Elijah and he says that he will love and protect Shiera forever. Oral Baker and Morris Grant they are imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment for various offenses.
Pastor Mangles calls Zeus and asks him for help to get rid of three people who will cause him many problems.