domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013



“The capital aim of the education is to train men able to be enough themselves and to use their leftover energy in the good of the others”

Jose Vasconcelos

In 2013 all the planet was witness of how the human beings annihilated and to others by means of the wars. These Wars are justified in the protection and the propagation of The Peace. The country that controlled everything, the United States, was devastated and practically destroyed. Brazil, China and the European Union disappeared of the map. But while to the powerful countries the worse thing happen those, to us the Mexicans, happened unexpected facts. Then a woman discovered in lake of Tequesquitengo in Morelos a species of white spot in the water, which turned out to be an element formed as a result of the contamination of the ground, the air and the water, an element that owned the characteristics of which appear in the periodic table, and that could take the liquid form, solid or to be a gas. Apart from which demonstrated that the element was ductile, malleable, and hard and it was an element that could replace many others, and even to be used for the human well-being in the medicine, the home or the industry.

The discoverer woman called to that element CAREL, because it was the word that formed after to join the name of her, her husband and her small daughter. The CAREL quoted so much in the world market that stock-market Mexican had the maximum rise in the history of the international market. The woman discoverer became multi-archi-millionaire, she bought all the national companies in broken bank and she made them transnational and she put them like number one in his rank. Apart from which the most solid monopoly of all created new companies forming to which she called YCF. As of that moment Mexico became industrialized and became a developed country, and the worse thing, was the power that would dominate the world. And I say the worse thing because Mexico was not preparation to be world power, so it retook the model that the United States had left. It was adopted from the language to the discriminating way to treat the immigrants, being used paralyzing bullets to stop them or bullets that not only destroyed their vehicles but 30 seconds later exploded to make sure that no illegal one crossed to the country.

These bullets were created by the Mexican scientist hidalguean Alan Felix, who worked for the federal government, but who was dismissed once they discovered that Alan and his friend and colleague Joaquin Diaz sold arms with paralyzing bullets, explosive and gas in the black market. Both scientists escaped of the police. But that was not the problem, since the wars continued and now the African countries were the rival to win. And Mexico when seeing itself in the top decided to face them, clearly, after knowledge that the CAREL also occurred in Africa. From that moment a war began that I am certainly until has today not finished.

You want to know what happened in that war? Firstly I want you know that my name is Victor Romero and I was born in Cuernavaca, the one that nowadays is the capital of the country. Memory that when I left the middle school…

Cuernavaca, Mexico year 2020

Victor has graduation of the middle school accompanied by his parents, his brothers Enrique and Raquel, his Grandmother Emma and his uncles Santy and Jaime, parents of his cousin Jimmy, who also graduates as the middle school. Everything seems to be surrounded by joy and pride, Jimmy obtained the first place in sciences and Victor the best average of his generation. Nevertheless, Jimmy does not stop harassing to Marián, the most popular and more beautiful girl of the generation. Opposite case with Victor, who is invited by the family of Marián so that both take the photo from the memory. Suddenly, the ceremony is interrupted by the arrival of the Mexican army which asks for the school like refuge for victims, since Africa had attacked and destroyed the Distrito Federal, Nuevo León and Jalisco.

Jaime, who had lived and toiled in the United States, was call to fulfill his promise of patriotism allowing that Jimmy, in spite of his short age comprised of the American army that would fight for the last time against the African…

Jimmy left us, no longer would play more soccer, neither fights with us, no longer would learn self-defense and never the more would be humiliated by the grandmother Emma, who threw in face to him that his father never was with him, getting to ridicule him against all.

Mexico reorganized, named to Cuernavaca the new capital of the country and sent soldiers to the black continent. The gringos also went to fight, many in the world thought that the United States would resurge, but was not thus. Nobody knows like, but Africa was divided in only 3 countries; Northafrica, Centralafrica and South Africa and had the sufficient thing to end the United States completely, to repulse the Mexican attack and to conquer what a day was Europe and the Middle East.

We never returned know more from Jimmy, nor from my uncles, say that the American soldiers were taken like hostages. I do not know, but what if, is that in Mexico the crime occurs like the CAREL, the corruption is thing of every day and the closing of schools forced to study via Internet or to do it in the homes of the teachers. Fact, that without a doubt it doesn´t motivates any boy whom likes the school and science, although from time operate me to the experiments in the face to time.

Mexico signed a treaty of peace with Africa where they were committed not to invade both parts and to withdraw his; nevertheless, only Northafrica and Central Africa signed the treaty. South Africa did not appear and sent an official notice to all the Mexicans “You take care of, because you follow, to put where they do not call you”

What future waits for Mexico? So far from God and now it is the United States…

In South Africa, Jimmy is taken to a concentration camp where the African soldiers torture the Americans and execute to weakest with the purpose of preparing an offensive against Mexico. A day, Jimmy is taken for his execution but General Bryan, leader of the squad of Jimmy manages to prevent that they kill the paved young who runs and escapes to the forest, while his General fight against the African soldiers. In the forest, Jimmy looks for a place where hide-and-seek, finding a cave in which strange grass is born that Jimmy consumes to survive, extracting the nectar of a green flower that calms the anxiety of Jimmy.

After weeks, Jimmy decides to leave the cave and to see the form to escape of that place, nevertheless, in the way finds the General Bryan who wounded and is very hurt, Jimmy tries to help him, but the General dies in the arms of Jimmy. Event that brings about a terrible fear in the young soldier and an anxiety that finishes in paranoia, to such degree that only the nectar of the green flower can calm it. The effects of this flower, little by little bring about in Jimmy a fragmentation of their personality.

Cuernavaca, Mexico 2030

In the house of the grandmother Emma, Mr. Enrique, father of Victor, observe in the news the rumor of possible attacks from South Africa to Mexico. Meanwhile, Victor studies on teleportation soon arrive at house the Grandmother Emma, Rosy, mother of Victor who brings of classes to Enrique and Raquel, the aunt any with her children Angel and Horacio and the Aunt Terry with her son Esaú. Enrique presumes everybody the super hero that he created in the school because he was boring (Then Enrique is a gifted boy), after to teach it to Victor, this one discovers that his brother drew him with a little strange suit and with more sophisticated arms of those than the police uses. After Victor thanks to Enrique, Victor comments his brother who the hero´s name is Enrique Romero because to be 14 years he studies things level masters and doctorate and that always extraction of doubts to Victor.

South African military airplanes fly on the house of the grandmother Emma causing a great panic in the family, who discusses that the war is about to begin and that they must warn all the neighbors, other relatives and friends to evacuate the city and to take refuge in the churches or schools, something that the Grandmother Emma does not accept, because she assures that she will not leave her house, since is the unique thing that she has. The South African airplanes sprinkle certain places of Cuernavaca with a green substance which destroys the fields and causes that some constructions have ruptures or they collapse.

Mr. Enrique discusses with his children and his wife on the fact to convince the Grandmother Emma to leave the house and to accompany them to the refuge, soon Mr. Enrique must let to his family to go help his sister Sara, to whom her house is on the verge of collapsing and has problems to leave.

The order of Mr. Enrique towards Victor is that He takes the grandmother to house of them, to take what is important and necessary and to wait for him to that arrives to flee to the refuge, later Mr. Romero asks his son whom he protects to his mother and his brothers while he is not.

American soldiers are guided by General Bryan to attack and to invade the Mexicans, who are surprised by this attack. General Bryan remembers that when Jimmy was defragmented, he appeared like one second personality, a strong, brave, full personality of hatred towards Mexico and that is prepared to destroy. After that, the General remembers that he returned to the camping and was entered in the squad of American soldiers to those who the African offered a treatment to them “To destroy the Mexicans and they in return will give what as much they have wished, Revenge”.

All the city of Cuernavaca is a chaos, the government has ordered to use the army disrupt an offensive. All the people evacuate and approach a bus will take that them to a temporary refuge. Víctor, Rosy, Enrique, Raquel and the Grandmother Emma arrive at house taking all the important things, although Enrique is useful to take his folder with all drawings, including the one of the new super hero.

The disasters and the destruction to the environs take to Victor to be hopeless and to ask his mother that she approaches the bus, but Rosy remembers that they must wait for his father, suddenly, bombs and projectiles shake house near taking the family hide-and-seek in their own cellar. There, Victor returns to study the possibility of escaping by means of the system of aid of the own house, nevertheless, his mother and his grandmother remembers to him that they must wait for his father.

Colonel Ramos orders Lieutenant Zavala to look for on living and to take them to the refuge, he so far will try to stop the bombings in charge of General Bryan.

 Victor manages to convince to his mother and grandmother to escape, but then, a paralyzing bomb strikes the electrical system of the house doing useless escapes by the cellar, reason why all must risk to leave by the fore door of the own house where the American soldiers make their arrival prepared to destroy.

By far care, Victor manages to guide his family until the room where he must create distractores so that his mother, Enrique and Raquel can leave, nevertheless, the thing complicates when the grandmother Emma is caught by a soldier.

Even so, Victor does in front of the soldier and manages to help his grandmother; Enrique throws some drawings in the way, including the one of Victor like super hero. When leaving the house, Mr. Enrique arrives in his turbo—car, Rosy tells the happened thing him and Mr. Enrique enters by Victor and the Grandmother, while Rosy flees with her two children in the turbo-car. Tanks then military appear in the streets shooting to them to which they try to flee in his vehicles. The grandmother is very hurt, so she asks to his son-in-law and his grandson who leave her, but when they try to flee, an explosive round hits to Mr. Enrique hurling him by airs and hitting him against a tank of the Mexican army. The General Bryan enters the house of Romero remembering the moments who happened of there as a child filling of resentment when he sees the grandmother Emma, to who he tries to destroy with his weapon, but Colonel Ramos prevents that happens, then, the General overcomes the Mexican soldiers and takes like hostage the Colonel. Victor reacts and when looking for his father discovers that an explosive round is near him, reason why must run from return to his house while the bullet explodes. In the other houses, everything people leaves fleeing while the foreign soldiers rob and destroy everything what they can.

Jimmy consults with the General Bryan to whom he will execute first, the grandmother mistreated that him or the Colonel whom he prevented him to do it. Being in the first place the Colonel, but before the General shoots a paralyzing bullet to him in the head, Victor arrives demolishing the General causing who the bullet hits in the legs of the Colonel. The General very furious, strikes to Victor, who knows to avoid and to respond the blows to him, but at a moment, Victor recognizes his cousin Jimmy, that assures to him that Jimmy is not, but the General Bryan, who strikes until faint to Victor. Soon the General orders to Jimmy to destroy the whole house, reason why this one places a time bomb and leaves running. Outside, the General observes as leaves from Cuernavaca is under his control.

Inside the house, the Grandmother makes react to Victor so that this one flees, because she has hurt a leg, but Victor decides not to leave to his grandmother nor the Colonel to those who he loads and by far effort manages to remove from the house at the right moment at which the bomb explodes demolishing only one part of the building, surprising the General, who by commentary of one of his soldiers discovers that house in Mexico is done of concrete and not of wood. The dust cloud that raised the explosion causes forts vomits in Victor who finishes by faint himself.

When observing the bodies of the Grandmother and the Colonel, the General congratulates to Jimmy, but when seeing Victor, Jimmy becomes sad and bothers to such degree, that he orders his soldiers not to advance more as far as territory talks about, but will terrify to the rest of the city with crime and destruction.

Rosy, Enrique and Raquel arrive at the refuge being received by their other relatives, but these notify to them that Mr. Enrique, Grandmother and Victor have still not arrived, but hope that they have left in time.

The Lieutenant Zavala and Mexican troops arrive looking for surviving finding the bodies from the Colonel, Grandmother and Victor, who are filmed from the camera of the press helicopter that on flies the area, giving the news of the death of many Mexicans. Rosy and all the relatives of Victor become sad when seeing the news, because they think that their dear beings are dead.

The Dr. Silva reviews the bodies discovering that the three still rescued live, but that must immediately be taken care of. The General Bryan command to bring the most aggressive people of a the city to which he flatters the JGB to them, drug that will give force them and agility who never imagined to have, in return they must maintain the crime in the city. Being first in receiving the drug, Raul, a gang member met like the Serpent.

Colonel Ramos is paralyzed of the legs of by life remaining in a motorised wheelchair by the rest of his days. The Grandmother reclaims of her injury helping voluntarily the wounded.
All the survivors who could not flee use the school like place to protect themselves of the criminals, who attack all hour, preventing that the people leave their homes, locked up like prisoners. Meanwhile the bad people do evil things in the streets, berthing to the trucks that provide food and medicines to the colony.

Rosy, Enrique, Raquel, Esaú and all the others cry and lament the supposed death of Mr. Enrique, Victor and the Grandmother. Enrique son says to his brother who always were his hero, Raquel is going who to be strange him and Esaú that will be taken revenge of the person in charge of everything.

The government manages to contact Colonel Ramos informing that he leaves from the Mexican army traveled to South Africa, nevertheless, are not sufficient elements, so he leaves from the survivors will be recruited to go to the war. The Colonel argues that the soldiers receive training but that the crime prevents them to leave to take air, to which the government responds that he must start up the project “Garra and Poder” whose archives are sent the Colonel via mailbox express.

1 month later…

Victor awake being taken care of by Marián, that immediately informs to the Dr. Silva and her uncle, the Colonel, which after examining Victor, tell the situation him that is living his city and that must be considered lucky to be alive, although for the rest of the country does not consider it thus, because the later images of the press helicopter and news gave to understand that nobody that had not escaped to the attack, survived. This news bothers too much to Victor and depresses to him, who is consoled by his Grandmother and Marián.

At the other day, the Colonel takes to Victor with the rest of the squad putting him to train to survive in the war, since to the unique to which he allows himself them to rest is to the women, because the men train in the army or are thrown to the street where they will be press of the criminals. In fact, one of the punishments of Lieutenant Zavala to an rebellious cadet is to take him to the rubbish of the residential zone so that he learns to survive.

Of very bad desire, Victor is put under the physical training, tactical and mental in which Lieutenant Zavala guides with much arrogance and pride, arriving to have an argument with Victor being had to take part the Colonel and the same Marián.

The Colonel comments to Victor on the project “Garra and Poder” that tries to separate the best of the squad to instruct in the justice question so that later this team is dedicated to the capture of criminals, also the Colonel is thankful for to Victor for to be rescued by him, and he reveals his interest because Victor participates in the project because he was the unique who faced General Bryan and survived. To which Victor responds that something more is needed than “Garra and Poder” to restrain the crime of Cuernavaca.

That same night, Victor acts as waiter helping his Grandmother and Marián to serve dinner, Lieutenant Zavala whom always loads a horse staff to correct the undisciplined ones, does not stop making fun of nor insulting Victor, arriving at such degree to throw the tray to the Grandmother to cause Victor, who only aid to his grandmother to raise everything. Nevertheless, Marián answers the insults the Lieutenant and shortly after the Colonel gets to put order. Zavala notices Marián that the things will not remain thus and that then, they will fix themselves.

Dinner finishes and the great majority is going away to sleep with the exception of the soldiers whom must be on duty, Victor, for being the new is called on to protect the entrance of the school (Place that occupies like refuge) along with Robert, young whom the technology meets more outpost and than is in charge to make arms.

The night seems calm, Robert and Victor talk on their lieutenant and the arrogant attitude that has this one to direct, suddenly, a truck arrives at the door assuring that they are the medicines and foods that the government sent to them, reason why Robert open the door, but Victor recalls to mind in which the government sends food and medicines to them every week and that the last delivery was intercepted by attackers two days before, so ignites the alarm against intruders activating the security system of the school which only manages to prevent the passage of some raiders, because the majority has entered, so Victor requests reinforcements, waking up to all the soldiers and many refugees, but while they arrive, Victor and Robert face the criminals who went to the area of dormitories.

The fight is hard and the raiders too many, so they manage to hurt Robert, while Victor faces up them as he can.

Marián awakes very scared, a soldier asks her that he is going to help Victor because he is wounded, being taken to a room by the soldier. When entering the room, Marián realizes that Lieutenant Zavala and to several soldiers corner her and they lock up next to them, two soldiers hold her making think the worse thing her. But Zavala remembers her threat to Marián and that this time only will give a lesson her, the soldiers raise the blouse her by the part of back to Marián and soon Zavala punishes her with horse staff.

In the court of the school, Victor sees handicapped in force because the criminals are many, nevertheless, Robert gives arms adapted by him to Victor so that he uses these and he manages to stop the criminals, although some try to escape raising the truck and starting, Victor with the aid of the new weapon, which shoots paralyzing bullets, manages to catch them, and, better still, to reclaim the truck with the food and the medicines that as much lack did to them. These events are seen by the other soldiers and some refugees including the Grandmother Emma. The Colonel congratulates Victor and he puts him of example with his companions.

All return to sleep and the grandmother realizes that Marián is wounded crying in her room, thus, the grandmother aid to Marián to cure her wounds, soon Marián asks to the grandmother whom tells nothing to Victor, nor her uncle, because lack little so that Zavala leaves to the war.

A spy tells the happened thing the General Bryan whom surprises that a soldier dared to face the villains, then, the General order to bring the experience shoplifters to send them that they give a scare to Colonel Ramos and his squad.

At the other day, Victor finishes his training while Zavala remains running to another soldier. Victor realizes that Marián is very shut up and sad, so he decides to ask her what happens, discovering the wounds of the back of Marián, and although this one does not mean nothing to Victor from fear of retaliation, ends up telling everything, something that bothers Victor taking him to return the court and to strike Zavala, that tries to strike Victor with horse staff, but this one ends up whipping he. the other soldiers separate them, the Colonel arrives putting order and Victor says the happened thing to the Colonel, this one asks his niece and verifies that everything is truth.

The Colonel makes a decision; to lock up to Victor by three hours and to remove him to the street by other three, whereas Zavala is whipped in front of all the refugees.

 During the whip, the Colonel puts to reflect to all on the fact that if Mexico wants to free its problems with the world, first must solve its internal problems, and that are sad that own the Mexicans attack themselves to each other, and that is crime to such degree that good people must live locked up. Zavala is released of its position.

Marián is useful that nobody see she and decides to take to eat Victor, that is locked up in a container of 3x3, then, Victor asks to Marián that remains and although this one warns to him that they can execute them or punish severely, Victor conversation that he prefers to die next to her who in a war that he did not initiate. Marián confesses Victor what wants for him, and then, both spend time together remembering their days of students of primary.

The Colonel receives a call of the governor of the state who asks on health of the wounded, the training degree that has reached the soldiers and if the report of the vigilant satellite is really certain that showed when they reclaimed the truck with the food. The Colonel on the other hand, asks the governor all the resources to available put in practice the project Garra and Poder, because he has found the indicated person to direct it. The governor also asks the Colonel who has ready the recruits who will go to the war, since in 5 days turbo—airplane will gather them and will take them to South Africa to fight, aside from informing to him that the advice of the citizen voice will support the project Garra and Poder, nevertheless, wait for results as much in writing, as by facts, being so Powerful the advice, that he can cause that they release the Colonel or make him Solicitor of justice of the State of Morelos.

Victor is thrown the street to fulfill the rest of his punishment. The Spy informs the General who the soldier who recovered the truck is not in the refuge or either the Colonel, so the General sends the thieves course to the refuge. Victor arrives calmly at the rubbish than a day was his house. There, he discovers the drawings that his brother Enrique threw in the way remembering at the same time the things that had spoken. Then, Victor looks for his Guitarra that his grandfathers gave when he left the primary along with a newspaper, but could not take, finding the toys of Enrique and Raquel, his masks of wrestler that his Grandmother Emma gave, taking to Victor to remember when his grandmother gave his masks to them and that to Jimmy she did not give anything, also Victor remembers the words of General Bryan to Jimmy when he was on the verge of killing the Grandmother Emma.

Later, Victor observes that his house was sacked after the attack and even there is graffitti in the walls that make responsible the Serpent of the facts, soon Victor sees that his Guitarra was destroyed and guinea fowl with aerosol, a fact that bothers Victor and it makes him think about that the injustice must finish. Suddenly, noises are listened to and Victor takes the arm from his Guitarra to attack, but account occurs that Colonel Ramos is behind him. Then, both comment on the sad reality, but that in them is to change it. The Colonel also asks Victor who participates in Garra and Poder like justiciero, since he has much potential to fight the crime. Before Victor says something, both discover that a group of shoplifters runs towards the refuge, the Colonel warns via signaller Lieutenant Zavala, so that then, he and Victor arrive at the refuge with the help of teleportation. Already in the refuge, Victor looks for the way to help, finding a suit with black cape, also he takes the paralyzing weapon from Robert and the mask is put that found in his house.

The thieves even burst in into the refuge entering by the windows and taking what is at the hand, people, like a Marián, that the thieves take like hostage. The soldiers try desperate to stop the criminals, but they fear to hurt to the refugees with their arms. Everything seems to come out well for the thieves, but a capeed and masked subject leaves the anything suddenly and begins to shoot the criminals paralyzing them, later to face and to win to most robust. Nevertheless, Marián is taken to the hiding place of the thieves, so the subject robs another weapon to Robert along with his system of teleportation which serves to him as aid to reach to the thieves, to stop his vehicle with the explosive rounds and to tie them to all. Finally he returns to Marián to the refuge before the astonishment and the admiration of all.

 After locking up the thieves, the Colonel reunites to all the scientists of the squad, to the Dr. Silva and Victor, subject that says to the Colonel who accepts to enter Garra and Poder, but that stops to be the justice man of Cuernavaca, must make him more express than Flash, more strong than together Superman, Hulk and the Thing, more astute than Batman and Mr. Fantastic and mainly, whom a weapon more Powerful has than the Chipote Chillón. To which the Colonel conversation that stops that reunited to his team, because all will work and fought because the bad peoples return to where they belong, and they began now…



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