lunes, 16 de julio de 2012



...That same night, the Governor, the Mayor, Charlie Delgado, Sam Korsakov, Richard Trelawney, George Winny and Jesse Morrison discuss on the conflicts that will bring the news of the Search man, without counting the millionaire losses and the positions that could appear them by treason to the State and to fight to obtain with the patrimony of the State. Winny is more worried then his project about being considered more than a man can stop, therefore, Winny suggests kidnap to Ben  and his collaborators and after they kill them making believe the people who everything was a massive suicide.

Morrison supports the proposal of Winny, but the Mayor of Caciv asks them to tranquilize themselves, because if something gets happen to the reporters of the Search man, all will think that their news were truth and will have more problems. The Mayor suggests to give a scare to the reporters and to notice them that to continue defaming the governmental authorities they will receive a severe punishment. All support the proposal of the Mayor and decides to lean one to the other to remove from the way to the Search man.

At the other day, Ben , Daleth, Jerry, Tana, Peter and Kennen pronounce in the lake preventing that the works of perforation and petroleum extraction continue. A group of demonstrators led by Edzon and Prof. Jonhy Shrek arrives at the lake looking for to make destructions and to run the workers, nevertheless, Ben tranquilizes the demonstrators and he asks them that they act then his pacifically act, with violence they will only obtain kill that them. Ben  questions to Jerry on the presence of Edzon and the presence of Prof. Shrek, who makes suspect to all the team on a political background in all this.

Ben  waits for the people of the County for a conference about the use of petroleum in Caciv and the importance that this one power one remains in the County. But, pass more than 1 hour of the beginning of the Conference and they are only the demonstrators, Ben decides to stop his conference and to investigate why there is no people of the County. Peter discovers that in the television there is a soccer match between the Team of Nova Corinthia and Genovia, all the people of the County remained in his house to support the team from his State without mattering them what is happening in the lake of the place where they live.

Ben dismisses the demonstrators and he is thankful for his support to them, so far, his friends of Ben pick up all the things. At the time of putting the things in the car, Jerry complaint himself of which Tana is not helping him. Ben realizes that Tana and Kennen are not and decides to look for them. When arriving at the zone of Toilets, Ben is surrounded by three bodyguards, two hold Kennen and Tana each one, the other blow Ben in the face and demolishes him, when falling, Ben is kicked by George Winny who tries to strike Ben, this one stops the blow and strikes to Winny in the nose, Morrison arrives and kicks Ben and the bodyguard strike to Ben until getting tired, Winny notices Ben that if he returns to publish another edition of the Search man, will not survive to count it. The bodyguards loosen Kennen and Tana, all go away, Peter, Daleth and Jerry gets to see their friends and tries to follow the car of the bodyguards, but Ben asks them that they let go to the gangsters.

Ben is taken care of in his house by Daleth, Kennen and Tana. Peter proposes to publish the attack in the Search man whereas Jerry proposes to stop everything. Ben suggests let pass three days to think better the things and later, all decide like team what to do. The uncles Hall and Natalie get to visit Ben and they are alarmed when seeing his nephew struck. Ben and his friends tell them what happened, but the aunt Natalie does not believe them, because she argues that George Winny is an industralist who began with a nutrition club and now he dedicates himself to make the good to the society.

The uncle Hall asks the boys who go to house and to Ben suggests to take the supply to go away as rapidly as possible to Cyan before it happens a misfortune. Ben says him that his career will finish and later he will travel where his uncle wants. So far Ben only thinks about recovering of the blows.

At the other day, George Winny and Jesse Morrison give a press conference where they assure that a fanatic from  Caciv struck them and he cleared the money that was going to donate the General Hospital of Caciv. Winny and Morrison offer like reward a t-shirt autographed by the players of both team to whatever gives the fanatic who attacked them. Both show before the cameras a picture spoken of their aggressor. Ben  and his friends are surprised when seeing that the picture agrees with the description of Jerry and not of Ben.

All the people of New Corintia unworthy by the attack to both industralists and presidents of better team of all the State.

In the school, Cayetana informs to Ben that the debate “the influence of the cartoons in the children” will be realised in hours in the audience of the school and which will attend all the students and teachers. Ben worries, because he could not be prepared for the debate and he occurs Ben, this one reviews them and says that he will do until the impossible thing to win.

The black car arrives at the journalism school, the driver and another subject lower of the vehicle and enter the audience to observe the debate. In the audience, Cayetana insults the audience when responding the question referring the cartoons that promote homosexuality, saying to them all which have repressed homosexuality and that must leave their impulses leaves, because if no, it will affect them the rest of his lives. The turn is for Ben, this one makes reflect to the audience on the fact that the cartoons affect the life of the children presenting them a model to follow. With cartoons promoting homosexuality in all the relations, the children grow with a confusion with respect their sexual identity, since when observing that in home father and mother they maintain a heterosexual relation and they admire or want to be like the personage who is related of homosexual way, the children begin to acquire landlords of both structures of relation fomenting in them the perversion. In addition that the homosexual community has complained that is no tolerance towards them.

More nevertheless, when imposing homosexuality as relation form to live, they are not showing tolerance towards the others, nor is mattering them to confuse the childhood arguing that the heterosexualidad takes to the failure. Cayetana questions Ben of monk and homo phobic, Ben argues that Cayetana is an hysterical profligate who has not been satisfied. Cayetana challenges Ben so that he tries that in truth he is man. Ben does not support the insults and insults of Cayetana and decides to kiss her throwing her enthusiastically to the floor and caressing her sensually. The judges decide to separate them and the public does not stop applauding Ben. The judges clear 10 points to Cayetana to cause her opponent and 5 Ben  to fall in provocations.

In the last round, Cayetana gives her final arguments which are based on generating pity in the other arriving until the tears, also she requests Ben that calls her after which it happened. Ben gives his final arguments reflected on Sponge Bob Short pants, a cartoon that shows us the different social positions that all we have adopted or we can adopt. The judges give the final qualifications and Ben is winning from the $5000 and the computer lap-top. Cayetana insults Ben  and she retires bothers. Ben is applauded by the public and receives joyful his prize.

The subjects of the black car inform the happened thing in the debate to their contact and they go away. At night, Ben  observes the videos of the games of Caciv observing the takings done towards the theater boxes discovering that Roger Bronx makes movements with his fractured leg, which makes suspect the legitimacy the injury of Bronx. Also Ben  discovers that in the last 5 games of Caciv, George Winny and Jesse Morrison have been present with a radio communication equipenmet, which makes suspect much to Ben. The uncle Luke arrives and he gives Ben a box that was in the door, Ben open the box and he discovers that they are discs, when putting them in the computer and open them discovers that “Littlebee” sends the information to him on the people attacked who poses questions him on the authenticity of the fortune of George Winny, Jesse Morrison and Charlie Delgado. Ben thinks seriously about returning to publish the Search man with the new news, but he remembers the words of his Grandfather before dying on the fact to leave the fear back and to fight to find the truth to the benefit of the society.

Ben reviews the information that “Littlebee” sent him and begins to separate occupying him at night great part.

At the other day, Peter, Daleth, Kennen, Tana and Jerry get to wake up Ben. The uncle Luke rises and turn on the television listening commercial that speaks of a new religion that will change the world, other that speaks of the petroleum of Caciv and others more than promote the soccer league.

Ben  reveals his friends the intention to return publish the Search man but he requests help and support to them since he alone will not be able. Ben also tells them on “Littlebee” and the information that she has provided to him. All accept to again work in the newspaper the Search man being conscious of the risks that entails to publish the news that are on the awares of the population. Tana is put in a special mission of spy, because she must take care of her mother who is in the hospital. All the others review the information that “Bee” sent them and begin to write up their news. The uncle Luke reads the pilot edition and he suggests them to verify all the information that has exposed in the Newspaper, because the people of whom speak in their news is very important and very rich and to demonstrate their illegalities they must have sufficient tests that they verify the news.

The uncle Luke proposes all to take them the places will help them to have the information sufficient to argue their news. Luke takes to Peter and Jerry a nutrition club, place where supposedly George Winny began, and who thanks the hard work managed to become millionaire. Peter and Jerry deepen in the fact to increase the income financial working hard, being the answer of the people in charge who would need to work every day, all the day during 50 years to be millionaire.

Luke takes Kennen to HKK, company of George Winny who sells nutritional supplements, where Kennen receives a talk rather to be salesman of products or: Talker with people by means of products. Kennen is very insistent in asking on whatever is necessary sell to get to be from high class, causing that the exponent is put nervous and the people of the talk discover that HKK is not a company jeopardize with the society.

Later, Luke takes Daleth to the Morrison University, Daleth investigates how the University arose, the sponsorship that had to throw to walk the project and the proceedings that had to realise.

In the nutrition club, Peter and Jerry discover that George Winny did his fortune selling naturists breakfasts, since in the State of Nova Corinthia the culture of the naturist food is not had, in addition that the breakfasts did damage to Peter.

In HKK, Kennen discovers that the products are a fraud and that the company becomes millionaire to ribs of the salesmen, which must cover very high standards to be able to continue in the company. Even so, George Winny was not done millionaire selling nutritional supplements.

Daleth discovers that Jesse Morrison in a year had the money sufficient to construct the University, and in less than a month obtained the permission to construct, being that in Santa Anna the permissions to construct are emitted after 6 months to 1 year to finish the construction.

All return the house of Ben and discuss their news and begin to argue the information with the facts. Luke takes Ben a bar, Ben does not know because he is there, but account occurs that Roger Bronx, that supposedly has a broken leg, is enjoying at night in company of many beautiful girls and he does not have plaster in the leg. Ben  demands an explanation to Roger, this one only can say him that he only obeys orders like Colin who now is boyfriend of Nymph, a singer pop that suffers of anorexy, bulimia and alcoholism. Ben  returns very disappointed and annoying to house, he tells his friends which saw and analyzes all the videos of the Soccer team of Caciv since this was champion until this disastrous season, discovering strong anomalies and traps...


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