lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


Some languages has many terms for the word; "Love". In Hebrew for example, Agape is for identifying the love of God towards the men…

Eros, is used for the sexual love. Storge takes care when we talk about the love between parents and children…

But Phileo, term that is used for the love between brothers is very little used. Almost stories are not even told about this kind of love… Until now…

In one night, in Teenville Central Plaza, Hugh O'Realli, along with her youngest sister Kitty and her mother Eleanor, they are awaiting the arrival of his sister Helen, who returns from a trip.

Several of the family parents had prepared rockets to receive the hikers as is the tradition in "TeenVille" along with extinguisher in case some accident happens, nevertheless Kitty by her binoculars realizes of which the bus of her sister has been boarded by 2 guys dressed in black and with a mark of a sword and a serpent in the chest, when informing it to Hugh, this one discovers that Vandal—boys has to do and when commenting it Hugh with the other family parents, decide to face that ruffians gang since the police never has done nothing on the matter, so far the mother of Hugh decides to call to the police which takes in arriving then in the department suppose that the school has watchmen.

The bus was taken until the dark alley of two streets back where there is no public lighting system, but Hugh and the family parents already they go in way. Then so far Vandal—boys they already had lowered to all the students of the bus and fire around them have caught forming a blue circle. In where single is possible to be seen the front, where PU the leader of the band does not do more than to threaten the teenagers and parents who came with them by to have crossed the limits of his territory.

Threats that increase of tone when PU realizes from which the wife and the son of the Mayor they come in the bus, forcing to the wife of the Mayor calls him so that takes care of the fastest his demands, but when not answering the Mayor his telephone, PU threatens to burning all them alive, fact that is frustrated then Hugh passed and profit unnoticed to put rockets within the bus obtaining which they explode and that the other parents ignite several fireworks causing the disagreement of the Vandal—boys, moment which they take advantage of Hugh and the parents to extinguish a part of the fire circle and can to remove the teenagers and facing there the gang members, but PU orders that the gang members use chains, knives and their motorcycles to even stop the teenagers, thing that does not happen because the parents manage to win to Vandal—boys.

PU when recognizing Hugh commands to one of their slaves that bring to Helen and she is set in front of Hugh threatening to set fire to his sister if he do not stop everything.

Hugh pretends to give in, but suddenly, Hugh takes a stone from the soil and throws it hard to Helen and the gang member who holds her on, while Hugh desperate screams to Helen that she runs...


At midday, Hugh O´Realli has his ceremony of closing of his High School in where he is accompanied by his parents, brothers, uncles and cousin Eva, being present at the report of workings of the Principal of the School, the Prof. Julius Caesar Pahucus, in where his attempt of great speech is finished by complains, booings and shouts from parents of family and students which they ask for the return of the last Principal, the Prof. Selma Casares, because those people consider that the School has fallen within the hole of the corruption and the vice, although the Principal says the opposite totally.

While the report of the Principal is going on, Hugh remembers along with his friend Maurice, a fight from two years ago, in where Hugh had to do along with a wanted being, but at the end of accounts, Hugh accepted all the responsibility, to even send to "Vandal--boy" to the hospital.

After the report of workings of the Principal, and the message of closing of the Mayor of "TeenVille" Braulio Johns, the students of High School of the School Thomas Jeferson generation 24th, they take leave and they congratulate mutually.

Shortly after, Hugh and his partners they take advantage of the time to take photos, to sign the yearbooks and to say much that they will be surprised, suddenly his parents, Zack and Eleanor, his sisters Helen and Kitty, his uncles David and Sonia whom load with his hately cousin Eva, they approach the graduated boy to give him a gift because of have finished the school; between they emphasize flowers, a poem written by the uncle, a wool shirt, and money for genuine trousers on the part of his godparents, Hugh takes advantage of the moment to take leave of Lorenne Uzdanze, his great love of the High School, which is accompanied of her unconfortable and hypocritical brother Paúl. Once he took leave of Lorenne and he has fit accounts, at least of word with Paúl, Hugh decides to continue his studies in the Journalism, Photography and Arts School, however, his friend Maurice decides to enter the Federal Police Academy to fulfill his dream of being Secret Agent.

A year later, Helen O´Realli, sister of Hugh, she is ready to select her matters by Internet for her first year of High School (Or second year), nevertheless, an supposed fault in the system prevents that Helen can select matters, fact that takes her to request an explanation on the part of the Principal´s office. Accompanied by her parents, Helen is present at as the Principal argues that High School Jeferson already had antecedent of her brother Hugh, who participated in the fight one year ago between students, Vandal--Boys, family parents and strained, and who therefore Helen would be conditional to only take classes in High School happiness being in the group from the boys problem, causing the refusal of Helen before such supply and taking to Zack to request Principal that understood that Helen and Hugh are brothers, but that does not mean that they both are equal, in addition of which Helen is the best student of her generation.

Outside the Principal´s office, Helen talks with her parents on the miserable supply of the Principal and after thinking it much, this one decides to take it with the only aim to show to Pachucus Principal who she counts on the elements sufficient to come out well in her classes, in the schedule that is and with the teachers who are.

Later, Helen informs the Principal and Professor Erwing that she accepts the supply, in where later filling her data, receiving answers with insults on the part of the secretary Cata and to swallow her anger, Helen is enrolled and is prepared to start her classes, however, Mr. O´Realli decide to deliver an attack economic hard to set to his daughter Kitty in a Particular School the following year. Year that passed too much fast leaving to Hugh in 2nd  grade in journalism in the school of Journalism, Photography and Arts, Helen in 2nd  grade of High School (Or 3rd grade) and Kitty in 1st grade of High School (Or 2nd grade) in a Particular School.

Nevertheless, the High School "Thomas Jeferson" has changed radically, to be one of the best at state level and national now, it lives on the worse one its crises as far as indiscipline talks about; gangs, drugs, smoking and alcohol within the own school, which according to the regulation of the same, strictly is prohibited.

The Principal however, becomes of the fat sight once the students pay " indulgence" new modality to be saved of a report, implanted by Professor Pachucus, opposite case, if some student does not pay indulgence, he or she severely punished, so and as happened to Wendi Victory, that they surprised her in fraganti with her boyfriend  and like she was refused to pay indulgence, the Principal along with Prof. Erwing decide to annul her studies of Physics I and Chemical I of 2nd grade, thus she must to attend back those matters in this year.

Her father John Victory, photographer of the newspaper "The Truth" annoying by the decision of the Principal and knowing who to his son Raymond also had cleared his money to use an earring in the school, he decides to obtain evidence that allows him to present all the inhabitants of "TeenVille" that the corruption of the Principal of the High School has fomented the vices and the degradation within the same institution.
Using his son Raymond along with the cooperation of the trio "Roses with Thorns" integrated by Lorenne, Emma and Lilian and with the writing of the news of his wife Zanta, Victory puts in the open the robbers of the Principal, on who a series critics and threats comes as much from family parents like the education secretary.

And this one when seeing that the situation does not change within the school, on the contrary he sees that the well-known gang as "Vandal--boys" attacks the students and such sells drug to as if they were candies, besides being present at in the news the capture of gang member CSL on the part of Agent Maurice Morgan, the Education Secretary and the Mayor they decide to send a ultimatum to the Principal in where the only option that this one has is to fair.

What takes to Prof. Pachucus to reflect along with Prof. Erwing and Cata on the errors committed under his mandate, being justified himself the same Principal when affirming that he was a hero military and who as memory has a metal leg in his right leg and the terrible pension that the Government sends him every month, which forced him to look for work like Professor, and once he arrived at the High School "Thomas Jeferson" as Principal tried to impose the rules to as he gave rise, but as it did not work, later he tried to gain the affection of the students being left to do them what they wanted and never knew like putting limits, having like positive result for him who the only way to obtain better income for his retirement was to implant the indulgences and to be united to drug smaller dealers of the bordering zone.

Words that causes that Professor Erwing discusses with the Principal, concluding that they must gain again to the students since if the Principal falls, also they will make Cata and Prof. Erwing. Therefore his first act is to negotiate with PU, leader of the Vandal—Boys whom they request that he moves away of the School, nevertheless, this one affirms that he will not move away unless they release to CSL, after discussing by minutes, PU decides to move away of the School and to burst into the Federal Agency and to release CSL before Maurice, who could not take information from the gang member.

Days after that fact, the scholar reports are suspended in all the High School, they all do what they want every day more, aside from than Vandal—boys continues attacking the students when their classes finish, even Hugh and Kitty they managed to prevent that the gang members hurt their sister Helen and their cousins Raymond and Wendi, even so, Zack, father of Hugh, decides to punish him working in the newspaper The Truth with his uncle John because he thinks that Hugh caused everything.

Situation gets worse in school, so the Mayor decides to fair Principal Pachucus personally who takes leave of all the School with the purpose of obtaining the pity of all the students, also offers a rock concert to them as last work of his mandate.

Surprisely the last day of Julius Caesar Pachucus like Principal, who is the same day of the rock concert as he compensates or prize to which they were united to the Principal, the well-known gang as the "Vandal--Boys" they entered hidden a black truck the school, and once inside, they catches to be the teachers and students which they took their classes, locking them up in the classrooms and thus to have all the High School controlled.

The leader of the gang, PU, shoots the Principal and sets his corpse in his own office after acquiring to Prof. Erwing like his new kisserboots. A program of the local television transmitter called "TeenVille Today" at the 6:00 p.m. informs that his conductor "Chico" will have a conversation with the leader of "Vandal—boys" PU, in where this one informs that they have kidnapped to all the High School "Thomas Jeferson" and who the Principal is dead and who the same will happen to all the students if they do not accede to his requests to legalize the drug consumption along with the recognition of his territories.

And as he shows shoot the son of John Victory, Raymond, because his father the photographer of "The Truth" has defamed them at national level. Without a doubt, a cruel act that although it was made with bullets of safe it hit the community, as much student as of family parents. Taking these to form a meeting that goes to the outskirts of the High School to see the way to take their children out, but the meeting must organize again because the state authorities have surrounded the entire zone bordering to the school having prevented the passage to all who tries to leapfrog the limits yellow. What facilitates the movements of Vandal—boys, because these are in complaintion with the local authorities.

Meanwhile, Hugh remembers along with Kitty the form in which he along with parents of family faced 2 years ago Vandal--boys and he confesses his younger sister than he knows like stopping their malevolent plan, because he knows the identity the leader of the gang and knows his weaknesses.

Thing that takes Hugh and Kitty to formulate a plan that has like film stars them, but to the listened to being the plan by their mother and this one to inform their father, Hugh receives threats of being punished until emancipating if he is at least passing to approach High School.

When putting the things in calm Mr. O´Realli decides to be united the meeting of Parents, because it is the only form to plead at the moment for his daughter, ordering to his wife who watches that Hugh and Kitty stay away to the margin of the situation... 


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